Daring Way™ & Rising Strong™

Therapy Groups

The Daring Way™ is an experiential group based on Brené Brown's research on vulnerability and shame and its relationship to worthiness and wholeheartedness .  Brené Brown, PhD is the author of Rising Strong (2015), Daring Greatly (2012), The Gifts of Imperfection (2010), and I thought It Was Just Me (2007).   The Daring Way™ method was developed to help individuals like you learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives.  The group's primary focus is on developingyour shame resilience skills and a courage practice that transforms the way you live.    As a Daring Way™ group participant you will learn the myths of vulnerability, how you armor up to avoid vulnerability, and the ramifications of that avoidance.  Together, we arrive at an understanding of the true power of vulnerability. 

Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, accountability, and authenticity.
— Brené Brown

In this group you begin to develop the skills to dare to be vulnerable - empathy, self-compassion, courage, and shame-resilience - to move toward wholehearted living.  Along the way, we examine the barriers to wholehearted living; the culture of scarcity, shame, and comparison that surrounds us.  You will learn your own shame triggers, the way shame has been dictating your behavior, and how you can begin to close the gap between how you live and how you want to live - wholeheartedly.

Wholehearted Living (def) - engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness.
— Brené Brown

While The Daring Way™ is about developing a courage practice that is grounded in self-worth, Rising Strong™ is about learning to regain your footing in the midst of struggle - during the fall down moments in which your vulnerability is met with perceived failure.  Failing is part of being brave Rising Strong™ builds on the lessons of The Daring Way,™ but can also stand alone as a guide for competently dealing with our emotional experiences and examining the stories we tell ourselves about our lives.  Specifically, in the Rising Strong™ group we examine the stories we make up in our heads during our falls, to begin the practice of getting curious about the emotions that arise in those moments (The Reckoning),  exploring the inaccuracies in our stories (The Rumble), and authoring a brave new ending in which we rise strong, with even more courage and conviction to our values (The Revolution).   

The fall is where our courage is tested and our values are forged.
— Brené Brown, PhD



The value in doing this work in a small group setting is twofold;  (1) it offers the opportunity to practice all learned skills in an intimate setting rather than passively taking in information that you may not ever apply and, (2) it provides the experience of empathy and connection - key ingredients to shame-resilience and courage.   Groups are offered in weekend intensive or multiple-week formats, providing 16 hours of curriculum altogether.  Both formats work well for people who are already in individual therapy but want to supplement with focused self-esteem and courage-building work.  Weekend intensives are ideal for busy professionals who want to experience meaningful personal growth in a few dedicated days. 


Signing Up

You may check the GROUPS page to see what groups are currently scheduled.  Groups are formed throughout the year.  Pre-screening is required.   If you are interested or have more questions please click  the JOIN button below.  Even if you can't make the next scheduled group, you may remain on the group list indefinitely and will be offered a spot every time one is formed until one fits your schedule.   A $100 nonrefundable/nontransferable deposit is required once you opt to participate in a scheduled group.   Total group cost is $500 per person including materials.  The balance is due 1 week prior to the group start date.



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Rising Strong groups and to be made aware of

upcoming groups or workshops.

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